Where are you from?


Where do you live now?

What have you been doing since you graduated?
I’ve been working as a research scientist at GE Global Research in San Ramon, California.

What is your current job? In 2 or 3 sentences, can you explain what your position is and what some of your responsibilities are?
I’m a natural user interface researcher at GE. My job is to solve industrial problems by adopting new interaction technologies. I’ve been focusing on designing operation center of the future and visualizations to understand analytics or industrial data.

Can you tell us about a recent project you’ve worked on that you were really excited about?
I’m designing and building a tool to help business leaders make strategic decisions. This tool presents industrial data and predicts impacts based on different scenarios through information visualization.

How do you think the program helped prepare you for your life after Georgia Tech?
DM gave me the flexibility to explore interesting stuff. Working on tangible media, VR, AR, infoVis, and interactive surfaces is a part of my daily work now. As a research scientist in GE, I have to quickly provide feasible solutions to our customers using these technologies.