Digital Media Program Presents Range of Work at TEI 2013

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The Seventh International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction (TEI) occurred last week in Barcelona, Spain. Work presented at this conference addresses HCI issues, design, interactive art, user experience, tools and technologies, with a strong focus on how computing can bridge atoms and bits into cohesive interactive systems. The Georgia Tech Digital Media program had quite a large presence at this conference.

PhD student Paul Clifton presented a demo for “Don’t Open That Door: Designing Gestural Interactions for Interactive Narratives”, a project that was done with the eTV and synlab groups. It is a gesture-based interactive narrative project set in the universe of the TV show Supernatural. The project leverages expectations of the horror genre and fan knowledge of the show to elicit expressive interactions and provide satisfying dramatic responses within a seamless scenario in order to create dramatic agency with the interactor.

Digital Media program director Ali Mazalek gave a talk on tangible interactions for genomics with collaborators from Wellesley and LSU entitled “From Big Data to Insights: Opportunities and Challenges for TEI in Genomics.”

Professor Michael Nitsche gave a demo on Hybrid Interface Design for Distinct Creative Practices in Real-Time 3D Filmmaking. The full paper can be found here.

Mazalek and Nitsche, and students, including Clifton, DM-HCI Masters student Charmant Tan, and DM graduate Fred Leighton presented a poster entitled “Reach Across the Boundary: Evidence of Physical Tool Appropriation Following Virtual Practice.” This poster explained the collaborative work done by Digital Media groups synlab and Digital World and Image Group as well as the University of Toronto. The full paper can be found here.

DM graduate Fred Leighton and Mazalek also presented a demo and a poster on Leighton’s Masters project entitled “Tangible Synergetic Domes.” This project is a set of tangible, interactive, dynamic objects complimented by digital media content to assist students in learning the principles of Geodesic dome design and related theories from R. Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics. The overall framework for design is in keeping with an interactive science museum exhibit.

For more information about TEI, please visit the event website.