“Don’t Open That Door” is a gesture-based interactive narrative project set in the universe of the TV show Supernatural. This project creates dramatic agency for the interactor by leveraging expec- tations of the horror genre within a seamless scenario that elicits expressive actions and provides a dramatically satisfying response.
We match interaction and narrative elements to support the following design goals:
– Story-driven Physical Reactions
– Persistent and Uninterrupted Narrative
– Scripting of the Interactor by Narrative

We use the following techniques to cue the interactor:
– Verbal – A character directs the interactor to perform an action.
– Audio Visual Cues – The setting and soundscape indicates that some action can be taken
– Reactive – A sudden change in the drama causes the interactor to perform an action without thinking about it.
– Mimetic – The interactor performs an action after first seeing it performed by a character

Created in collaboration with Tawny Schlieski, Intel Interaction and Experience Research Group with funding from Intel Corporation.

Janet H. Murray
Ali Mazalek
Paul Clifton


Jared Caldwell
Isaac Kulka
Riccardo Fassone
Jonathan Cutrell
Kevin Terraciano
Kartik Agarwal