Where are you from?
Southern Illinois, USA
Where do you live now?
Nowhere really. Moved out of Atlanta, but don’t move to singapore until December, so just kind of on the road.
What have you been doing since you graduated?
Euthanizing my Open-Source Sex toy company that got killed by evil patent trolls (comingle.io). Serving as the American Arts Ambassador to the Philippines (we built a floating Art and Science Maker-Space). I have been working as the host of a new television show for Discovery Networks, and I move to Singapore in December to start as an Assistant Professor in the Communications and New Media Department at the National University of Singapore. I’ll be teaching about my research in “Digital Naturalism” and doing participatory design workshops in the wild.
What is your current job? In 2 or 3 sentences, can you explain what your position is and what some of your responsibilities are?
Oh boy, it’s weird. Right now I am the star of a television show that I am not yet totally allowed to talk about, but my job consists of hiking through different environments all around the world and trying to survive using tools in my science and engineering kits in my backpack. My responsibilities consist of building devices, brainstorming scenarios, and not dying. The show is set to air in January 2017.
Can you tell us about a recent project you’ve worked on that you were really excited about?
The Waterspace project in the philippines is really terrific! http://www.instructables.com/id/Bamboo-BOAT-Lab/ This instructable describes it all!
How do you think the program helped prepare you for your life after Georgia Tech?
It gave me the freedom to pursue exactly what I want, the analytical skills to understand the broader impacts of the actions and rhetoric expressed by others and myself, and the directorial abilities to work and organize large groups of people.