Yesterday afternoon, PhD Student Nettrice Gaskins participated in an online panel called “STEM to STEAM & Youth Media: Online Conversation.” The panel discussed ways in which youth media organizations can promote their role in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education and innovation.
Gaskins’ research explores how the intersearction of culturally situated, arts-based learning, informal STEM learning, and digital media can be leveraged to create higher interest, motivation and learning in STEM among underrepresented ethnic groups. She is interested in the ways in which artists from historically and culturally underrepresented communities of practice use art and digital media to create their work. In 2013, Gaskins and her advisor Dr. Celia Pearce, were funded by the NSF to hold a series of workshops on Advancing STEM Through Culturally Situated Arts-Based Learning.
In this panel, Gaskins discussed topics such as motivations behind organizations working within the STEM framework, how their work has impacted the artistic expression, civic engagement, or social justice elements of their mission, and how have organizations worked to engage their teaching artists in this work.
For more information on this panel, please visit the National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture website.